Elitism and opera | Neutron stars | Greek theatre acoustics | Jeremiah and the King James Bible | Three-legged stools
Howard Jacobson (There is no excuse for a man not to wear a suit…’, Weekend, 14 October) reinforces the view that opera is elitist and unapproachable. Nothing could be further from the truth. If the music moves you it doesn’t matter what you wear. And if Mr Jacobson knew his Marriage of Figaro from his Don Giovanni, he would know that Mozart was one of the most anti-establishment of composers, and wouldn’t have cared what anyone wore.
Sao Bui-Van
• When two neutron stars collide, Prof Andreas Freise expects them to immediately collapse into a black hole “leaving behind a bit of dust and stuff” (Report, 17 October). At last a scientist who speaks my kind of language.
Alan Woodley